非核家園 攜手童行 孩有希望
【護台東‧反核廢遊行】2013/03/09 13:00新生公園集合(舊火車站前)!
●荒野夥伴建議穿著攜帶:荒野相關T-shirt或衣物/Earth Hour T-shirt(舒服環保的咖啡紗材質,現正熱賣中)、頭巾/領巾、適合走路的鞋子、自備飲水與簡單的食物、雨具/帽子,到了集合現場可尋找荒野旗幟加入隊伍。
●遊行行頭:荒野春酒時用廢紙板畫了許多標語牌子,此外也可攜帶〈反核,不要成為下一個福島〉布旗或〈GET OUT音樂台東‧核廢不要〉毛巾。其他的請自行發揮想像力,盡量以資源再利用,不過度浪費材料為原則~
劃撥捐款 台東反核廢捐款專戶
*郵政劃撥帳號 06684061
*劃撥單請註明「反核廢捐款」「姓名、電話、mail、地址」 方便後續寄送收據及聯繫
現場捐款 309遊行現場
309 Taiwan NO Nuclear Power Protest
No more Nukes, 309’s nuclear NO Nuclear Power Protest
309 Taiwan NO Nuclear Power Protest
No more Nukes, 309’s nuclear NO Nuclear Power Protest
is near the second anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. However, until
now, the victims and their homeland are still overwhelmed by the contamination
and the destruction caused by the radiation leakage. Much to our
disappointment, Taiwan government had not learned the harsh lesson from the catastrophe,
and still rejected stopping the nuclear power plants in use. Though“ the fracture
of the anchor bolt in 2nd nuclear plant ” has astonished the whole
country, the government still hastily decided to resume the plant under huge
suspect and risk. Meanwhile, the extremely large amount of nuclear waste inside
plants and the problems of the dumping of waste in Orchid Island (Lanyu, home
land of the Yamis) are left unsolved due to the incapability of the government.
Yet what is more worrying is the installation of the Fuel Rods in 4th
Plant is about to start. Recent years, the 4th Plant has entered the
testing phase. With the repeated extension of construction time and outbreaks
of serious accidents and scandals, many experts had stated the impossibility of
security of it. However, the Government and Taipower Company had bent on their
own way, intending to supplement budget of more than 5o billion NTD to the
wrong construction, making the total construction expenditure near 350 billion
NTD. In addition, the construction was demanded to speed up, in order to
complete the installation of the fuel rods by the start of 2014 to create a “fait
accompli”, making the operation of the 4th plant impossible to
suspend. Considering the poor quality of the construction of the 4th
plant, the installation of the fuel will cause huge threat and disaster to our
However, the growing of anti-nuclear movement is also exciting. During recent years, more and more people were aware of the frangibility of nuclear security and the absurdity of the intimidation of electricity price rise claimed by Taipower. Previous antinuclear organizations integrated with newly grown social forces. With waving anti-nuclear flags and civil movements all around Taiwan, people express their fundamental aspiration: we don’t need nuclear power, but instead, a secure, fair, and sustainable homeland.
However, the growing of anti-nuclear movement is also exciting. During recent years, more and more people were aware of the frangibility of nuclear security and the absurdity of the intimidation of electricity price rise claimed by Taipower. Previous antinuclear organizations integrated with newly grown social forces. With waving anti-nuclear flags and civil movements all around Taiwan, people express their fundamental aspiration: we don’t need nuclear power, but instead, a secure, fair, and sustainable homeland.
2013 is the critical year of anti-nuclear movement. We have movements all around the island, integrating a cross-party public opinion of antinuclear. We will make it a huge pressure that the government can not escape facing. In 2013, threatened by the following installation of the fuel rods, we are taking to the street for the 3rd times, yelling to the government,” only the civil can decide their future, which is a future without nuclear!” The 4th plants will never be secure without the suspend of the construction. Let’s go for a farewell for nuclear power and step to the future!
2013 NO Nuclear Protest: Our Demands
1.Stop supplementing the budget of 4th nuclear plant
2.Stop the installation of fuel rods in 4th nuclear plant
3.Stop dangerous nuclear power and decommission 1st,2nd,and 3rd nuclear plants
4.Remove nuclear waste from Orchid Island and comprehensively review nuclear policy
5.Implement ”zero-growth of electricity demand policy ”
3/9Eastern Taiwan No-nuclear Protest Parade
3/9 13.00 @ Taitung Hsin Sheng park(In front of the old railway station)